I'm sorry this blog is so late. We're still in the process of getting settled here in beautiful Uganda. Things take time here, lots of time and Ugandans never seem to be in a rush. ;-) This led to quite a bit of frustration the first week but we've since learned to accept it and are in the process of trying to embrace it. It's not easy when you're trying to order appliances, set-up internet, buy furniture or a find a car but we've also come to appreciate the benefits- the slower pace of life and value placed on community and family are a huge blessing. We've also been surrounded by a wonderful community of missionary families from all over the globe that have gone our of their way to make us feel welcomed and have stepped in to help ease the transition.
Our home was available upon arrival but aside from a kitchen table and two beds, it was bare inside which made living in it difficult. Fortunately we were able to spend the first week at Ekisa's volunteer apartment in downtown Jinja. This was a huge blessing to our family since the apartment is fully furnished complete with a refrigerator, stove and WiFi. A variety of restaurants and grocery stores were within walking distance which added to the convenience. The volunteers living there were so gracious to us and overly accommodating to our large and
sometimes rambunctious family. The apartment gave us a comfortable place to stay and rest while allowing us to focus on furnishing our home.
Speaking of furnishing, we ordered a number of items off a relatively new company named Jumia, an internet-based Amazon marketplace type company. Seemed relatively simple- load up "mobile money" on your phone, go shopping online and 4-5 days your items arrive at your home. This seemed like a great option considering the selection in Jinja is limited and can be a little pricey. We gave it a shot and had mixed results. Some items arrived as anticipated but with others we weren't so lucky. The "in stock" refrigerator we ordered was canceled unexpectedly after three days. I called customer service and ordered a different model after being assured it was in stock only to have that one canceled after another three days. We were mildly more successful with our oven. It showed up and the stove worked great but the oven was defective. I finally got smart and decided to bite bullet and make the trek into Kampala last Saturday for appliances. Kampala can be a little overwhelming. It's only 50 miles away but takes nearly three hours to travel there due to traffic congestion. None the less I was able to purchase a refrigerator, oven and order a couch- all in one day. The refrigerator and oven were delivered same day, the couch should theoretically be delivered next weekend.
Aside from a couch, the last big purchase on our shopping list is a vehicle. Ekisa has been generous enough to loan us their spare Rav4 while we've searched for a vehicle but we need to give it back to the ministry ASAP. We've inquired about over a dozen vehicles but like shopping for appliances, vehicle shopping has been difficult. There's slim pickings in Jinja which means you need to travel to Kampala to find a car. We identified two vehicles last week, made the trek to Kampala with the family but after a long, hot day and being lied to about both vehicles, we came home empty handed. Jenna is heading back to Kampala in the morning for her nursing license so we may give vehicle shopping another chance.
Regarding our home, we were fortunate to be able to rent a wonderful compound located on the western side of the Nile river approximately ten minutes from Ekisa and central Jinja. The home is gorgeous, has plenty of space for our family and even has a spare bedroom should you decide to visit. ;-) The house is landscaped beautifully and has a large front yard with grass for the kids to play. The one downside is that we're currently dealing with a tick infestation. They're all over the yard and we've even found the occasional tick walking across the tile. We've pulled over 200 ticks off the dogs over the past week. They're everywhere- in their coat, between their toes, even embedded deep within their ear canals. Pretty sad. We treated the dogs last week with limited results. Good news is that they ticks are relatively harmless and don't carry lyme disease. Don't worry, we'll be tick free by the time you visit. ;-)
The kids have transitioned extremely well. Much better than we could have ever hoped. They've enjoyed their new home, their new dogs, the culture, the food, meeting new people and making new friends. Kara and Allie started school today and really enjoyed it. Their teacher is amazing and their classmates were very welcoming. We also recently found a Pre-K to 1st grade school for Sadie and Timbie which we're hoping to tour in the coming days. The one little challenge we've dealt with regarding the kids is Sadie. A couple nights ago two mosquito's got under the mosquito net and she woke up with bites all over her body, 43 to be exact. She's a tough little cookie and has handled it amazingly. No signs of malaria yet, thank the Lord!
Jenna started work at Ekisa last week and while her responsibilities are quite a bit different than what she's experienced previously, she's doing a great job. Last week she had a mom stop by with an nine day old baby born with clubbed feet and spina bifida (deformity leaving an opening in the lower back with the spinal cord exposed). She was able to assess and stabilize the child while Ekisa provided funds to cover transport and a portion of the costs required for the necessary surgery.
Sorry for the long post but a lot has happened over the last couple weeks and we wanted to keep everyone in the loop. Below are some pictures to give you a better sense of life here in Jinja.
Much Love,
The McCawley's
Thanks for the update! May God grant grace as you navigate these challenges. When you see the results of your efforts in the clinic, you will be amazed at what God has done through you.